[Labrador Dog] Videos

puppy-obedience-training.net TheLabrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in America. Labs are patient, affectionate and very loyal. Because of their intelligence, they are a top choice for anyone that need a service dog. Labs love to play in water and never give up on an opportunity to take a swim. Labrador Retriever are friendly with children which makes them a great pet dog. http

20 week old yellow Labrador pup Cooper dog tired

Boomer has some new tricks to show off. Among the newer ones are moonwalk and bow. I am currently trying to combine back, come, and twirl into one command: line dance.

Veda, the dog, looks like she is on a trampoline as she tries to sneak a

Um poderoso e jovem Leão da Rodésia brinca com uma ainda mais jovem labradora numa desatinada correria no quintal ou em enormes chapas na piscina. Apesar de todo o ardor da luta o poderoso cãozarrão, apesar de bravo e territorial para outros machos, ora se esquiva ora se deita aguentando todas as impertinências e suportando as arremetidas da cadelita mais nova.