[Labrador Dog] Videos

Clic Here: http://dog-trainer.lir25.com

Method can help you solve these common problems and much more…

Separation anxiety – crying or stressing when you’re out, chewing, barking

Chewing, mouthing, stealing – at any time, any place

Toileting in the wrong place

Selective hearing

Unpredictable or crazy behavior

For more information please visit:

Clic Here: http://dog-trainer.lir25.com

This is a Black Lab,and his first year on earth.A Short video of his life as a dog…hope you enjoy ;)

Chocolate lab at play – diving underwater, catching a Frisbee, and taking things away from his new sister. Filmed in Hi Def.

A Portrait of Cocoa, Labrador Retriever Dog, Spiritual Healer, Friend. The Wonder Recovery Dog. Music by the Illumination Band, Rumi in Bluegrass.

Georgia, our Rottweiller, Labrador Retriever and Hound Dog mix learns to swim for the first time with help from Jasper a 2 1/2 year old golden retriever who was passing by and decided to join Georgia in catching some sticks. We were at Ramapo Lake in Ringwood, NJ. a beautiful place to hike.