[Video Shows] Videos

www.sitmeanssit.com This daily dog training video shows 2 young Sit Means Sit dogs doing some honoring drills, and explanations are made on how fundamentals from younger puppy days carry over as they grow. Be sure to view the other video link on this clip of how these drills started young in a dog park. Both Labrador Retrievers are a little over 1 year old in this video.

This video shows you how to make your puppy go to sleep. The puppy in this video is a Black Labrador at 9 weeks of age. If you are tired of getting no sleep because your puppy will not stop whining and crying when you leave them alone, this video should help you! Please comment on my “how to make your puppy go to sleep” video and tell me what you think and if it worked for you! yt:stretch=16:9

This is the 2nd part to this video on teaching your dog to not only come to you to both sides, but becoming comfortable in retrieving from both sides in the beginning as well. This dog training video also shows how you can refine or tighten the dog up a bit with a more narrow boundary on his coming into heel, and how to use the food as a distraction if you have used it prior in teaching your Labrador Retriever (or any dog for that matter) to come to you.