[Puppy Training] Videos

PonderosaKennels.com Training tips on teaching pups to retrieve. Here, Kate a lab puppy, is learning to retrieve with Pat Nolan of PonderosaKennels.com

PuppyInTraining.com Colby talks about picking up his puppy, an 8 week old male yellow Labrador Retriever guide dog puppy in training from Guide Dogs of America. Also, what you can do before you pick up your puppy and things to remember on puppy pickup day. Finally, our puppy’s first night at home.

Shasta is a female black Labrador Retriever (7 weeks old here). I started clicker training her 5 days ago and she is learning SO quickly. Commands she knows: sit, down, wait, roll, high five, kennel, go to bed, leave it, and ring the bells to go outside.

www.sitmeanssit.com There are a lot of different ways to teach a young puppy to enter a crate or kennel. In this puppy training video, I show a way that works very well for me, and he goes in and stays while I shut the door, and learns to not come charging out as well. This young black Labrador Retriever puppy will not stay small enough to stay in this little kennel -dog carrier for very long, but it is good to take advantage of the training and learning opportunity while you can.

Go to http://goo.gl/1QPiz to learn how to train your dog from an experienced expert trainer and to get information about the video membership.

Visit http://K9DogTrainingClasses.com for more articles on how to train a puppy.

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Topic: dog training classes