[Puppy Dog] Videos

This cute dog will have no problem floating in the pool this summer!

Go to http://goo.gl/1QPiz to learn how to train your dog from an experienced expert trainer and to get information about the video membership.

Visit http://K9DogTrainingClasses.com for more articles on how to train a puppy.

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Topic: dog training classes

It might just be the cutest picnic ever, but only one participant is enthusiastic about the food. Watch this cute video of a sweet little baby and adorable little lab puppy as they have a picnic in the front yard.

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Lesson Now at http://tinyurl.com/TrainingYourPuppyOrDog

Simba is a 3-months old Pomeranian that enchanted our home of cutenesss and energy. So far, he has been the funniest puppy/dog to be around. He is silly and gives us a lot of laughs. A fully 4-leg stand up comedian :)