[Pet Dog] Videos

www.sitmeanssit.com Video taken at the jam packed 2010 Pet a palooza dog event annually held in Las Vegas, Nevada. This video shows Fred Hassen training his 16 month old Labrador Retriever named ‘Charger’ through a large group of people and dogs passing by using a whistle to stop, start and direct the dog to a ball and running straight lines. http Franchise information on Sit Means Sit dog training can be found at www.franchise.sitmeanssit.com

puppy-obedience-training.net TheLabrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in America. Labs are patient, affectionate and very loyal. Because of their intelligence, they are a top choice for anyone that need a service dog. Labs love to play in water and never give up on an opportunity to take a swim. Labrador Retriever are friendly with children which makes them a great pet dog. http