[Labrador Puppy] Videos

Um poderoso e jovem Leão da Rodésia brinca com uma ainda mais jovem labradora numa desatinada correria no quintal ou em enormes chapas na piscina. Apesar de todo o ardor da luta o poderoso cãozarrão, apesar de bravo e territorial para outros machos, ora se esquiva ora se deita aguentando todas as impertinências e suportando as arremetidas da cadelita mais nova.

This is my 4 month old labrador retriever puppy Hank..He is learning field marks for hunt tests in the future..He is doing very well and always amazes me with his drive and concentration at such an early age..

An incredibly cute labrador puppy with an unusual color plays fetch and just general puppy cuteness outside. So cute!

When picking out a Labrador puppy, make sure that the puppy is energetic and interactive with people. Avoid Labrador puppies that are subdued, withdrawn and fearful with pet care advice from a veterinarian in this free video on dog training and raising puppies. Expert: Dr. James Talbott Bio: Dr. James R. Talbott is a staff veterinarian at Belle Forest Animal Hospital and Kennel in Nashville, Tenn. Filmmaker: Dimitri LaBarge

Watch our labrador puppy Rias barking