[Hunt Tests] Videos

1 year old Labrador Retrievers ‘Dooley’ and ‘Charger’ showing their steadyness to overhead bumpers shot. Whether training for field trials, hunt tests, hunting or just wanting a better dog, having a dog work well around distraction aids in training.

www.sitmeanssit.com These are some little drills that you can do to make your dog comfortable in running through different types of terrain without having to go out to the field every day. Sometimes you may have a young dog and you may want to practice stuff like this in a nearby parking lot, schoolyard, or just about anywhere even if you live in the city. The more things your dog becomes comfortable in running through, the more confident he will be. It’s one less thing that he has to think about because he will be used to this type of stuff by the time he needs to run through it if he becomes a field dog, and even if he only has to compete on grass and never sees this in a trial, he will still be better. The dog in this video is a 1 year old Black Labrador Retriever that will run hunt tests as he gets older.

This is my 4 month old labrador retriever puppy Hank..He is learning field marks for hunt tests in the future..He is doing very well and always amazes me with his drive and concentration at such an early age..

www.sitmeanssit.com This is part 3 of my collar conditioning with my Labrador puppy that I will be training for hunt tests. In this video we show some of the stuff that has cleaned up already from part 2 just a day later, and work on the dog releasing the object as well without any loss of desire

This is my 4 month old lab puppy Hank..