[Direction] Videos

www.sitmeanssit.com This is an additional pile drill that I use that I call “Pile Drill with No Pile”. Normally a pile of bumpers is placed out for the dog to retrieve one at a time. The pile drill is a very good drill and one that certainly should not be omitted. This is an extra drill that I use to get the dog used to retrieving and taking direction with a bumper in his mouth to build more focus to task and to aid in his handling. The training that is done that leads up to this point is done with additional remote retrieve, and remote drop and pick up drills added to the mix.

This is another drill that I use to teach steadiness in a working competitive hunt test Labrador Retriever by letting him see the picture of you away from him and having to sit through a few launches, and then rewarding him with a retrieve in the opposite direction. Having the dog maintain a sit away from you gives him a more thorough and complete understanding of ‘steadiness’. Launching bumpers closer to him, makes it a bit more difficult than when they are launched much further, but it is good to show him the consistency of command through all forms of obedience to shape his behavior properly. www.sitmeanssit.com Fred Hassen with ‘Charger’