[Concentration] Videos

www.sitmeanssit.com This dog training video shows some retriever drills of using the Thunder 100 retriever launcher with simulated shotgun sound on a baseball diamond. This launcher has advantages in using the sound and throwing your marks for better placement a long with of course the ability to launch them as well. The bases are used for target markers in both getting the dog to run out straight, or to give the dog a visual picture on come in whistles with a hand signal. In this video, the dog is released with a bumper in his mouth, and then he exchanges bumpers so that piles do not necessarily have to be used, and because practicing with a bumper in his mouth makes for more concentration in the dog hitting his targets and taking casts. For more information on Sit Means Sit dog training see www.sitmeanssit.com To become a franchise see www.franchise.sitmeanssit.com

This is my 4 month old labrador retriever puppy Hank..He is learning field marks for hunt tests in the future..He is doing very well and always amazes me with his drive and concentration at such an early age..

www.sitmeanssit.com Fred Hassen and 14 month old ‘Charger’ a black labrador retriever, are seen during some video from a teaching phase of the program where I am refining concentration on his ‘mark’ command. Having these fundamentals in anything you are doing where the dog has to concentrate on an object that he is going to retrieve, you want to bring things into the situation that will be distracting different pictures to the dog to refine his concentration. My movement around him initially makes the dog take glances at you, and especially if you line up on different sides, move behind him, or anything that may make the picture different to him. I use these opportunities to make him see that he must look at the object or ‘mark’ it. As he gets more immuned to all of this, all of his energy comes forward and his motivation becomes at it’s highest point. It’s the training process that will develop this most. The moving along the shoreline on the angle returns will allow you to turn very simple initial pictures, into a more complicated picture and allows me to teach concepts faster. You will see it all tied together in future videos, and you will at least know how the drill was started. I’m constantly challenging him, and raising his bar which keeps his attention and energy level high.