Lab Puppies For Sale

The puppies are over 3 weeks old and wanting to see what’s beyond where they have been for 3 weeks now.
They will meet the older ones especially Froggies who are fascinated by them.
Coccolina is being very protective with them and does not want Thelma to take over, yet.

This is their day room when it rains, which is different from their sleeping quarters inside the house. They also have an outside closed in space with bramble, branches and a cool ground where they can hide…and seek!
This morning they came out for their moning needs and you will see their pipi room in the back. They are starting to understand the system.
6 weeks is when you really see their personality and how they interract! I love it!

The pups are out back and enjoying a lovely day with their mom. As you can see, they are very playful.
Absolutely lovely.

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We have a great selection of Yellow Lab puppies for sale. Visit our website at to view them and more!